Stratiqa has won the AI Intellectual Property Award for "Best IP Consultancy Firm - Asia Pacific & Sustained Excellence in IP Valuations - Asia Pacific". This comes only months after Censere and Stratiqa merged their respective IP practices, and is a testament to the quality work and client focus that Stratiqa has become known for.
"We are proud of the recognition that Stratiqa is receiving and will strive to ensure our work remains of the highest quality"
Brett Shadbolt, CEO Censere Group"IP Valuation is one of the more difficult asset classes to value and we bring considerable experience and dedication to the task"
Matthew Katzeff, Director North America, StratiqaStratiqa is a member of Censere Group and undertakes complex and contentious valuation assignments for mergers, acquisitions and dispute resolution work in addition to IP Valuation and consulting services.